FAB - First Alliance Bank
FAB stands for First Alliance Bank
Here you will find, what does FAB stand for in Institution under Banking category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate First Alliance Bank? First Alliance Bank can be abbreviated as FAB What does FAB stand for? FAB stands for First Alliance Bank. What does First Alliance Bank mean?First Alliance Bank is an expansion of FAB
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Alternative definitions of FAB
- French American and British classification scheme for leukaemia
- French American British
- Fresh Across The Border
- Frequency Allocation Board
- Feature Advantage And Benefit
- Fresh, Artistic, And Brilliant
- Features, Accomplishments, And Benefits
- Fulfillment Assurance And Billing
View 83 other definitions of FAB on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FCS Fog Creek Software
- FAW Facebook Apps World
- FMFC Fresno Madera Farm Credit
- FEA Facility Engineering Associates
- FPF Forest Park Forever
- FBDS The Face and the Body Day Spa
- FBNN Food Bank of Northern Nevada
- FMC Fieldstone Mortgage Company
- FIH Fairfield Independent Hospital
- FCSA Flight Centre South Africa
- FDCL Financial Derivatives Company Limited
- FSC Fox Subacute Ctr
- FPG Food Partners Group
- FCIPL Freight Connection India Private Limited
- FAIDI Forum Architecture and Interior Design Inc
- FNFD Folger Nolan Fleming Douglas
- FGL Frank Glennon Ltd
- FPI Financial Partners International
- FBS Fortune Business Solutions
- FSSD Franklin Special School Dst